SEO Tips: 5 Best Ways to Improve Your Rankings Today

All, Digital Marketing, SEO,

Published on: July 18, 2022

You should improve your website to rank higher in search engines as part of regular maintenance of your website. 93% of online experiences don't start without a search engine, so your SEO process can be technical and time-consuming. Yes, they are important to your online marketing efforts. Many small and medium-sized business owners do not have time to devote to regular SEO maintenance or find out what works and doesn't.


Here Are The Top Five SEO Tips:


1.      Improve Your Page Loading Speed

It is important for several reasons. When the page speed of your website is very slow, Google will work on it, which can ultimately hurt your ranking. Not only does Google capture this element, but so does your user experience. One more thing, it will damage the way you interact with your pages. According to Google, 53% of mobile users leave a site if it takes more than 3 seconds to load. When customers bounce it fast, they are unlikely to return, and as a result, you lose sales and traffic. The good news is; that you can improve it.

2.      Develop a Link-Building Strategy

Link building is an important part of any growth strategy and aims to improve your organic SEO results. Backlinks refer to links that drive traffic back to your website from other websites, while internal links refer to links from one page to another within the same domain. By strategically using these links, you can improve your page ranking and increase your site's authority in search engines.

In addition to providing a better user experience, internal linking facilitates navigation around your website. In addition to being favored by Google, this will increase the likelihood that users will spend more time browsing, engage more, and return to the site. All of this will send positive signals to Google about the value of your page.

3.      Optimize ALT Tags

Having images and videos on your website improves the user experience and allows for further SEO optimization. Alt tags enable search engine crawlers to find your website when someone searches for relevant content. They provide a text alternative for the image or video's content. To optimize your alt tags, you should be descriptive, relevant, and specific.

4.      Create High-Quality Content

According to Dallas SEO Experts, Content is key to a successful SEO strategy and is considered one of search engines' most important ranking factors. You should not just create your content for its sake but to be valuable to your readers; your audience should be the primary focus. Creating high-quality content increases the chances that people will link to your site (as a backlink, such as those mentioned above). Types of SEO content you could create include product pages, blog posts, articles, lists, guides, videos, infographics, and more.

5.      Use Social Media

A social media channel alone does not directly contribute to your organic SEO rankings, but the evidence suggests that the social signals generated by the channel are important. Likes and shares could potentially result in increased social media shareability and visibility.

Here are some effective ways to use social media to improve your SEO:

  • Keep your blog up to date and have a share button on every post.
  • Don't be afraid to ask people to share.
  • Try hosting a social media contest, and ask people to like and share your post.
  • Connect or mention other local businesses you work with.
  • Engage with your audience and keep an eye on any questions you may have on your posts.


An SEO health check can show you where your current SEO efforts and strategies are succeeding and where you need to pay attention.

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Abdullah Haroon

Abdullah is COO of Xtreme Technologies. He is Interested about Business, and Technology.
