Increase Sales and Improve Your Performance – 6 Actionable PPC Tips

All, Digital Marketing, Pay Per Click,

Published on: June 21, 2023

PPC is a powerful tool that can help you drive traffic, increase sales and grow your business. But it’s also a complex marketing technique that requires careful planning and constant attention to detail. The goals you set should be measurable, achievable, and realistic. 

  • Create Ads That Convert

Clearly defined goals are essential to any PPC campaign. These goals should be SMART—specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and anchored within a time frame. By setting clear objectives from the beginning, you can make data-driven decisions about your campaign, such as optimizing your ads and keywords. Create Ads That Convert
  • First, you should look at your keywords with impressions but no clicks. If a keyword gets a lot of impressions but no clicks, this may indicate that the keywords are irrelevant to users’ searches. Changing the keywords to relevant ones can help you generate more clicks and improve your quality score.
  • A good ad should be persuasive and include a call-to-action (CTA). The CTA will entice people to click on your ad and visit your landing page. Having a strong CTA will also increase your conversion rate.
  • You should use Google Analytics to link your AdWords account to ensure that your conversions are correctly tracked. This will let you know which ads and keywords are generating sales and which are not. Once you have this data, you can optimize your campaigns accordingly. 
  • Test Your Ads

Regarding PPC advertising services, there are always new ways to optimize your ads. Whether you’re testing out different ad copy, adding keywords, or changing your audience targeting, these minor tweaks can make a big difference in your campaign performance. Test your ads When deciding which ad to test, focus on a critical campaign goal. This could be anything from generating leads to increasing revenue. Depending on the campaign, it’s also important to consider what action you want potential customers to take after they receive value from your advertisement. Consider hiring Xtreme technologies to improve your sales and traffic.  You can also use your AdWords account to identify underperforming keywords by reviewing your Search Term Reports. These reports will show which keywords aren’t working for your campaign and may be wasting your budget. Identifying and removing these keywords can improve your campaign’s overall effectiveness and increase ROI.
  • Optimize Your Landing Pages

Your landing pages should complement your ads to create a seamless experience for your visitors. Whether the goal is for your visitors to share their information, call, or make a purchase, the landing page should provide a clear path and motivate them to convert. A good landing page should have a clear message, an eye-pleasing design/hierarchy, and a strong CTA button. Optimize Your Landing Pages Landing pages that don’t align with your ad messaging can negatively impact your ad quality score and confuse your visitors. For example, if you run an ad to drive ice skates sales, your landing page should be about ice skating and not your services or products. Similarly, if you run an ad to sell sports equipment, your landing page should be about that product and not sports coaching or other services. A great way to ensure that your landing page aligns with your ad's messaging is to use a form that speaks to your target audience directly. You can also use a tool like Hotjar to see how your audience interacts with your content and adjust accordingly.
  • Optimize Your Ads for Mobile

Creating and monitoring mobile-optimized ads is essential to your PPC campaign's success. Mobile-optimized ads ensure your ad's message will be displayed correctly on any device, reducing the likelihood of missed impressions and wasting ad spend. You can improve your mobile-optimized ad's load time by using compressed images, minimizing HTTP requests, and avoiding heavy scripts. Reviewing and optimizing your keywords to maximize your performance regularly is crucial. If a keyword isn't delivering the expected results, consider changing your bid or pausing it entirely. Keywords are the foundation of all PPC campaigns, so keeping them performing at a high level is essential. One way to do this is by excluding low-performing keywords from your account. This will help you avoid spending money on keywords that don't contribute to your goals.
  • Optimize Your Ads for Desktop

A well-rounded PPC strategy is essential to ensure your business gets the most out of paid ads. However, if your PPC campaign isn’t optimized correctly, it could drain your budget with little to no results. One common mistake is to focus too much on broad keywords like “ice skates.” This type of keyword will attract many clicks but won’t deliver as many sales or leads as a more specific keyword, such as “buy ice skating shoes.” Another key to optimizing your PPC ads is having a clear call to action (CTA) that guides prospects through the buying journey. By guiding prospects through the conversion funnel, you can boost your performance and help them make a purchase.
  • Optimize Your Ads for Local

PPC marketing services effectively reach your target audience, but they can be even more powerful when optimized for local searches. A properly optimized PPC campaign can help you drive more qualified visitors to your website, increase conversions and sales, and improve ROI.

To optimize your ads for local searches, start by ensuring that they include relevant keywords and phrases in the ad copy. Next, use structured snippet extensions to add more information about your products or services to the search results. Finally, ensure you're directing your ads to the correct pages on your site. Don't send people to your homepage, as this will only confuse and potentially scare them away. Instead, direct them to a specific product page or landing page that offers the solution they're looking for.


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  Another essential tip for optimizing your local PPC ads is regularly checking in on your campaigns. Doing this will allow you to make changes quickly, if necessary, and ensure your ads run as efficiently as possible. This also helps you avoid over- or under-bidding, which can hurt your ROI.


So, the critical way to improve your performance is to look for underperforming keywords and eliminate them from your account. You can do this by analyzing your Search Term Reports to find keywords that aren’t meeting your campaign goals and maybe undercut the performance of your other keywords. You can then choose to remove the keyword, tweak your ad copy, or add it as a negative keyword.


Q1) How can PPC advertising improve my performance?

PPC advertising can improve your performance in several ways. Firstly, it provides instant visibility and exposure for your brand, allowing you to reach a wider audience. Secondly, you can target specific keywords and demographics, ensuring your ads are shown to the right people at the right time. Additionally, PPC sales offer precise tracking and analytics, enabling you to measure your campaign's success and make data-driven optimizations.

Q2) How do I set up a successful PPC campaign?

A: Setting up a successful PPC campaign involves several key steps. First, define your campaign goals and target audience. Conduct thorough keyword research to identify relevant keywords and phrases your audience will likely search for. Create compelling ad copy and design eye-catching visuals to attract attention. Set a realistic budget and bid strategy, and continually monitor and optimize your campaign based on performance data.

Q3) What is Quality Score in PPC Advertising?

Quality Score is a metric platform like Google Ads uses to measure the quality and relevance of your ads and keywords. It considers click-through rates, ad relevance, landing page experience, and more. A higher Quality Score can lead to better ad positions, lower costs per click, and improve overall campaign performance.

Q4) How can I optimize my PPC campaign for better results?

Optimizing your PPC campaign involves continuous monitoring and adjustment. Regularly analyze your campaign's performance metrics, such as click-through rates, conversion rates, and cost per conversion. Identify underperforming keywords or ads and make data-driven optimizations. Test different ad variations, landing pages, and bidding strategies to find the best for your audience. Ensure your website's landing pages are optimized for a seamless user experience.

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Abdullah Haroon

Abdullah is COO of Xtreme Technologies. He is Interested about Business, and Technology.
